Volvo D13 | OEM 21900553 | Engine Controller Module
Volvo 22423434 Engine Controller Module.
Part Number: VOE22423434 , 22423434
ECM Applications:
Other OEM Part Numbers That Will Work: 85020762, 22423434, 85021088, 7485021088, 22423433, 85027088, 85013484, 21900553, 7421900553, 85020758, 85019484, 85026758, 701602AT.
Volvo A25F/G A30F/G A35F/G A35G A40G A45G A60H
Application: For Volvo Articulated Hauler A25F/G, A25G, A30F/G, A30G, A35F/G, A35F/G FS, A35G, A40F/G, A40F/G FS, A40G, A45G, A45G FS, A60H
For Volvo Excavator EC350E, EC380E, EC380EHR, EC480E, EC480EHR, EC750E, EC950E
For Volvo Wheel Loader L150H, L180H, L180H HL, L220H, L250H
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Our engineering team has over 15 years of experience, more than 10K repaired ECMs, and the latest simulation technology. We are always happy to assist you with any technical assistance we can. Feel free to contact us to discuss the faults you are experiencing before sending in your parts.
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